Harley Wiltzer

  • PhD Student, McGill University & Mila
  • harley.wiltzer@mail.mcgill.ca
  • harwiltz
  • harwiltz
  • CV (last updated July 2024)


  1. A Distributional Analogue to the Successor Representation.
    Harley Wiltzer*, Jesse Farebrother*, Arthur Gretton, Yunhao Tang, Andre Barreto, Will Dabney, Marc G. Bellemare, Mark Rowland
    To appear in International Conference on Machine Learning, 2024 Spotlight (top 3.5%)
  2. Policy Optimization in a Noisy Neighborhood: On Return Landscapes in Continuous Control.
    Nate Rahn*, Pierluca D'Oro*, Harley Wiltzer, Pierre-Luc Bacon, Marc G. Bellemare
    Neural Information Processing Systems, 2023
  3. Distributional Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations for Continuous-Time Reinforcement Learning.
    Harley Wiltzer, David Meger, Marc G. Bellemare
    International Conference on Machine Learning, 2022
  4. On the Evolution of Return Distributions in Continuous-Time Reinforcement Learning.
    M.Sc. Thesis.

Author: Harley Wiltzer

Created: 2024-07-17 Wed 21:35
