iLQR Without Obfuscation

Harley Wiltzer, February 2020

What's Wrong With the iLQR Literature?

The iLQR optimal control algorithm could look quite daunting to those that are unfamiliar with it. I hope I can convince you that iLQR is actually fairly simple, it just happens to be one of the most poorly documented algorithms out there. I don't mean to say there's a shortage of documentation on this topic – rather, every document that I've read that attempts to explain or describe iLQR makes a severe mistake that obfuscates the algorithm tremendously. Maybe my reading comprehension needs some work, but for what it's worth, this is my attempt to explain how iLQR works from the ground up, without the distracting flaw that I previously mentioned.

The issue that I believe obfuscates the iLQR algorithm in the literature that I've read is the abundant slew of comparisons to LQR. Using LQR to motivate iLQR is almost like using SAT to motivate integer factorization. Admittedly, now that I understand iLQR I can see the connection, but I truly believe it's beneficial to extrapolate that connection from an algorithm that you understand than to try to force it to begin with. So, if you don't know what LQR is, don't worry. If you do know what it is, pretend that you don't. My derivation of iLQR won't make any connection to LQR at all.

An Overview of iLQR

Before we begin, let's clear up what iLQR is actually responsible for. The acronym stands for iterative linear quadratic regulator, which I won't talk about anymore. Its purpose is to perform finite-horizon trajectory optimization for nonlinear systems. Essentially, the algorithm is given the initial state of a system with known (possibly nonlinear) dynamics, the target state to reach at the end of a given time horizon, and an initial "nominal trajectory", and iLQR iteratively improves this trajectory until it is optimized with respect to some cost function. The algorithm is subject to the following constraints:

  • The system must be discretized in time
  • The cost function will be approximated with second degree Taylor series approximations

An abstract overview of the main steps in the algorithm is given below:

def ilqr(x0, target, dynamics, state_trajectory, control_trajectory):
  converged = False
  while not converged:
    gains = BackwardUpdate(state_trajectory, control_trajectory, target)
    states, controls, loss = ForwardRollout(state_trajectory, control_trajectory, gains)
    if |controls - control_trajectory| < threshold:
      converged = True
    state_trajectory = states
    control_trajectory = controls

So basically we need to figure out what ForwardRollout and BackwardUpdate do. Readers that are familiar with machine learning could think of these like forward and backward passes in a neural network, if that helps. Essentially, the backward update tells us how to change the trajectory to most effectively minimize its cost, and the forward pass applies the updates and computes a new trajectory.

The Math

Some Notation and Modeling

Let \(x_t\in\mathbf{C}^{n_x}\) denote the state vector at time \(t\), and \(u_t\in\mathbf{C}^{n_u}\) denote the control signal at time \(t\). We describe the dynamics of the system according to

\begin{align*} x_{t+1} = f(x_t,u_t) \end{align*}

Moreover, we define a cost-to-go function as follows,

\begin{align*} V_{t:T}(x_t) = \min_{u_{t:T}}\sum_{k=t}^T\ell(x_k, u_k) \end{align*}

where \(V_{t:T}\) designates the cumulative cost in the trajectory starting at time \(t\) and ending at time \(T\), and \(\ell\) is a per-step cost function. As we mentioned previously, iLQR approximates the cost function with a second degree Taylor approximation. So, rather than requiring this approximation, we'll define a second-order cost function as follows:

\begin{align*} \ell(x_t, u_t) = \frac{1}{2}x^{\top}Q\bar{x} + \frac{1}{2}u^\top R\bar{u} \end{align*}

where \(Q\in\mathbf{R}^{n_x\times n_x}\) and \(R\in\mathbf{R}^{n_u\times n_u}\) decide how to penalize trajectories based on their states and controls. With this quadratic parameterization of the cost function, we don't need to worry about the Taylor series approximation.

Putting the "Optimization" in Trajectory Optimization

In order to optimize the cost of trajectories, iLQR makes local linear approximations of the dynamics of the system. To compute this, we analyze the perturbation of the next state \(\delta x_{t+1}\) due to a small perturbation in state \(\delta x_t\) and control \(\delta u_t\):

\begin{align*} x_{t+1} + \delta x_{t+1} = f(x + \delta x_t, u + \delta u_t) = f(x_t, u_t) + \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}\bigg\rvert_{x_t, u_t}(x - x_t) + \frac{\partial f}{\partial u}\bigg\rvert_{x_t,u_t}(u - u_t) \) \end{align*}

where \(\delta x_t\triangleq x - x_t\) and \(\delta u_t\triangleq u - u_t\). Here, the \(x,u\) refer to states and controls in a proposed trajectory, while \(x_t, u_t\) refer to states and controls in the trajectory that is being improved (referring to the pseudocode above, \(x, u\) would be in states and controls, while \(x_t, u_t\) would be in state_trajectory and control_trajectory). Also, noting that \(x_{t+1}\equiv f(x_t, u_t)\), we have

\begin{align*} \delta x_{t+1} = A_t\delta x_t + B_t\delta u_t \end{align*}

where \(A_t\in\mathbf{C}^{n_x\times n_x},B_t\in\mathbf{C}^{n_x,n_u}\) are the Jacobians of \(f\) with respect to \(x\) and \(u\) respectively, evaluated at \((x_t, u_t)\).

With that out of the way, we can think about how to optimize the cost-to-go of our trajectory. Firstly, note the recursive property of the cost to go:

\begin{align*} V_{t:T}(x_t) = \min_{u_t}[\ell(x_t, u_t) + V_{t+1:T}(f(x_t, u_t))] \end{align*}

This is called the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, and it is beautiful (reinforcement learning folk are obligated to agree). The minimum over controls is taken here since the cost-to-go should represent the optimal cost of completing the trajectory from state \(x_t\). Keeping with reinforcement learning style notation, we'll define \(Q_{t:T}(x_t, u_t) = \ell(x_t, u_t) + V_{t+1:T}(f(x_t, u_t))\), so \(V_{t:T}(x_t) = \min_{u_t}Q_{t:T}(x_t, u_t)\). In order to minimize the cost-to-go with respect to controls, we approximate the loss function by a quadratic, as mentioned previously. Now we'll analyze how the cost-to-go is perturbed due to a small change in \(x_t\), using a second order Taylor expansion (note, the Jacobians will be very simple due to the quadratic costs):

\begin{equation} V_{t:T}(x_t) + \delta V_{t:T} = V_{t:T}(x_t + \delta x_t) = V_{t:T}(x_t) + \frac{\partial V_{t:T}}{\partial x}\bigg\rvert_{x_t}\delta x + \frac{1}{2}\delta x^\top\frac{\partial^2 V_{t:T}}{\partial x^2}\delta x_t \end{equation} \begin{equation}\tag{dV}\label{eq:dV} \therefore \delta V_{t:T} \triangleq M_t^\top \delta x_t + \frac{1}{2}\delta x_t^\top N_t\delta x_t \end{equation}

To compute the Jacobians of \(V_{t:T}\), we must compute the Jacobians of \(Q_{t:T}\). In a similar fashion, we have

\begin{align*} Q_{t:T}(x_t, u_t) + \delta Q_{t:T} &= Q(x_t + \delta x_t, u_t + \delta u_t)\\ &= Q_{t:T}(x_t, u_t) + \frac{\partial Q_{t:T}}{\partial x}\bigg\rvert_{x_t,u_t}\delta x_t + \frac{\partial Q_{t:T}}{\partial u}\bigg\rvert_{x_t,u_t}\delta u_t\\ &\quad+ \frac{1}{2}\delta x^\top\frac{\partial^2Q_{t:T}}{\partial x^2}\bigg\rvert_{x_t, u_t}\delta x + \frac{1}{2}\delta u_t^\top\frac{\partial^2Q_{t:T}}{\partial u^2}\bigg\rvert_{x_t,u_t}\delta u_t\\ &\quad+ \frac{1}{2}\delta u_t^\top\frac{\partial^2 Q_{t:T}}{\partial u\partial x}\bigg\rvert_{x_t, u_t}\delta x_t + \frac{1}{2}\delta x_t^\top\frac{\partial^2 Q_{t:T}}{\partial x\partial u}\bigg\rvert_{x_t,u_t}\delta u_t \end{align*}

Phew! Believe me, that was not any more complicated than a second order Taylor series expansion. Thankfully, we can write this in matrix form, where the Jacobians will be replaced with cleaner symbols:

\begin{equation} \delta Q_{t:T} = \frac{1}{2}\begin{bmatrix} \delta x_t\\\delta u_t\end{bmatrix}^\top\begin{bmatrix}Q^{(t)}_{xx} & Q^{(t)}_{xu}\\ Q^{(t)}_{ux} & Q^{(t)}_{uu}\\\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\delta x_t\\\delta u_t\\\end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix}Q^{(t)}_x\\Q^{(t)}_u\\\end{bmatrix}^\top\begin{bmatrix}\delta x_t\\\delta u_t\\\end{bmatrix}\tag{dQ}\label{eq:dQ} \end{equation}

The matrices \(Q^{(t)}_{xx}, Q^{(t)}_{uu}, Q^{(t)}_{ux}, Q^{(t)}_{xu}, Q^{(t)}_x, Q^{(t)}_u\) are derived below:

\begin{align} Q^{(t)}_x &\triangleq \frac{\partial Q_{t:T}}{\partial x}\bigg\rvert_{x_t, u_t} = \frac{\partial\ell}{\partial x}\bigg\rvert_{x_t, u_t} + \frac{\partial V_{t+1:T}}{\partial x}\bigg\rvert_{x_t, u_t} = Qx_t + M_{t+1}^\top A_t\\ Q^{(t)}_u &\triangleq \frac{\partial Q_{t:T}}{\partial u}\bigg\rvert_{x_t, u_t} = \frac{\partial\ell}{\partial u}\bigg\rvert_{x_t, u_t} + \frac{\partial V_{t+1:T}}{\partial u}\bigg\rvert_{x_t, u_t} = Ru_t + M_{t+1}^\top B_t\\ Q^{(t)}_{xx} &\triangleq \frac{\partial^2 Q_{t:T}}{\partial x^2}\bigg\rvert_{x_t, u_t} = \frac{\partial^2\ell}{\partial x^2}\bigg\rvert_{x_t,u_t} + \frac{\partial^2 V_{t+1:T}}{\partial x^2}\bigg\rvert_{x_t, u_t} = Q + A_t^\top N_{t+1}A_t\\ Q^{(t)}_{uu} &\triangleq \frac{\partial^2 Q_{t:T}}{\partial u^2}\bigg\rvert_{x_t, u_t} = \frac{\partial^2\ell}{\partial u^2}\bigg\rvert_{x_t,u_t} + \frac{\partial^2 V_{t+1:T}}{\partial u^2}\bigg\rvert_{x_t, u_t} = R + B_t^\top N_{t+1}B_t\\ Q^{(t)}_{xu} = Q^{(t)\top}_{ux} &\triangleq \frac{\partial^2Q_{t:T}}{\partial u\partial x}\bigg\rvert_{x_t, u_t} = \frac{\partial^2\ell}{\partial u\partial x}\bigg\rvert_{x_t, u_t} + \frac{\partial^2 V_{t+1:T}}{\partial u\partial x} = B_t^\top N_{t+1}A \end{align}

You may be concerned about the dependence of these matrices on the \(M\) and \(N\) matrices "from the future", but fortunately we can solve for these matrices backwards in time (hence, the backwards update step). Note that at \(t=T\) (the end of the horizon), the cost to go is \(V_{T:T}(x_T) = \ell(x_T) = x_T^\top Q_f x_T\), where we optionally specify another cost matrix \(Q_f\) to distinguish "transient" penalties from the penalty on the final state. Therefore, by \eqref{eq:dV}, we have \(M_{T} = Q_f(x_T - x^*)\) for target state \(x^*\), and \(N_T = Q_f\). With this edge case, we can compute the Jacobian matrices backward from \(t=T\) to \(t=0\).

To minimize the cost-to-go \(V_{t:T}(x_t)\), we must solve for \(\delta u_t = \arg\min_{\delta u_t}\delta Q_{t:T}\). We proceed to do this using standard calculus optimization techniques. Due to Bellman's principle of optimality, we can simply optimize \(\delta u_t\) individually for each timestep. Referring to \eqref{eq:dQ}, have

\begin{align} \delta u_t &= \arg\min_{\delta u_t}\delta Q_{t:T}\\ 0 &= \frac{\partial\delta Q_{t:T}}{\partial \delta u_t}\\ 0 &= \frac{\partial}{\partial\delta u_t}\left[\frac{1}{2}\left(2\delta u_t^\top Q^{(t)}_{ux}\delta x_t + \delta u_t^\top Q^{(t)}_{uu}\delta u_t + Q^{(t)}_u\delta u_t\right) + Q^{(t)}_u\delta u_t\right]\\ 0 &= Q^{(t)}_{ux}\delta x_t + Q^{(t)}_{uu}\delta u_t + Q_u^{(t)}\\ \delta u_t &= -(Q^{(t)}_{uu})^{-1}Q_{ux}^{(t)}\delta x_t - (Q^{(t)}_{uu})^{-1}Q_u^{(t)} \end{align}

Notably, we have

\begin{equation} \delta u_t = K_t\delta x_t + d_t\tag{du}\label{eq:du} \end{equation}

where \(K_t = -(Q_{uu}^{(t)})^{-1}Q^{(t)}_{ux}\) and \(d_t = -(Q_{uu}^{(t)})^{-1}Q^{(t)}_u\), so optimal changes to controls at each step are affine transformations of the measured error in state (we will discuss how this state error is calculated soon).

Recall that in order to compute these gains, we need the \(M\) and \(N\) matrices for each timestep. First, substitute the \(\delta u_t\) computed in \eqref{eq:du} into \eqref{eq:dQ}:

\begin{equation} \delta Q_{t:T} = \frac{1}{2}\begin{bmatrix} \delta x_t\\K_t\delta x_t + d_t\\\end{bmatrix}^\top\begin{bmatrix}Q^{(t)}_{xx} & Q^{(t)}_{xu}\\ Q^{(t)}_{ux} & Q^{(t)}_{uu}\\\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\delta x_t\\K_t\delta x_t + d_t\\\end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix}Q^{(t)}_x\\Q^{(t)}_u\\\end{bmatrix}^\top\begin{bmatrix}\delta x_t\\ K_t\delta x_t + d_t\\\end{bmatrix} \end{equation}

Recall that \(M_t\) is the term that is linear in \(\delta x_t\) in \eqref{eq:dV}. Since \(\frac{\partial V_{t:T}}{\partial\delta x_t} = \frac{\partial}{\partial\delta x_t}\min_{\delta u_t}Q_{t:T}(\delta x_t,\delta u_t) = \delta Q_{t:T}\), \(M_T\) is obtained by extracting the linear terms in \(\delta x_t\) from the matrix equation above:

\begin{equation} M_t = Q_{ux}^{(t)\top}d_t + K^\top_tQ^{(t)}_{uu}d_t + Q_x^{(t)} + K^\top_tQ^{(t)}_u\tag{Mt}\label{eq:Mt} \end{equation}

Similarly, since \(N_t\) is the term that is quadratic in \(\delta x_t\), we have

\begin{equation} N_t = Q^{(t)}_{xx} + K_t^\top Q^{(t)}_{ux} + Q_{ux}^{(t)\top} K_t + K_t^\top Q^{(t)}_{uu}K_t\tag{Nt}\label{eq:Nt} \end{equation}

By starting at \(t=T\) and working backwards, we can compute all of the \(K_t\) and \(d_t\) vectors. This is the job of BackwardUpdate in the pseudocode above.

Generating Rollouts

With the BackwardUpdate, we know how to adjust controls given some error in state. Now we discuss how this is implemented in iLQR – this is the ForwardRollout subroutine described in the pseudocode above.

Recall that ForwardRollout takes as input a trajectory of states, a trajectory of controls, and a target state. The trajectory of states corresponds to the previous rollout that was done (we'll talk about how to initialize the first rollout later, and the trajectory of controls corresponds to the controls used in the previous trajectory. Now, ForwardRollout works as follows:

  • Let \(\bar{x}_t\) denote the previous state trajectory, \(\bar{u}_t\) the previous control trajectory
  • Let \(x_t\leftarrow x_0\), the initial state
  • Let \(L=0\), the loss
  • For \(t\) from \(0\) to \(T-1\)
    1. Compute \(\delta x_t\): \(\delta x_t\leftarrow x_t - \bar{x}_t\)
    2. Compute \(\delta u_t\) using \eqref{eq:du}: \(\delta u_t\leftarrow K_t\delta x_t + d_t\)
    3. Update controls: \(u_t\leftarrow \bar{u}_t + \delta u_t\)
    4. Aggregate loss: \(L\leftarrow L + x_t^\top Qx_t + u_t^\top u_t\)
    5. Get next state from dynamics: \(x_{t+1}\leftarrow f(x_t, u_t)\)
  • \(L\leftarrow L + x_T^\top Q_fx_T\), the final state penalty
  • Return \((\{x_t\}_{t=0}^{T}, \{u_t\}_{t=0}^{T-1}, L)\)

And that's it! Now we've discussed all of the essential math to understand how the iLQR algorithm works. We simply alternate between computing the gains to improve the controls and improving the controls to generate new trajectories, until the controls stop changing (this sounds suspiciously similar to Value Iteration, but there are some key differences). I think it's finally time to see a demo. I implemented an iLQR algorithm to swing up an inverted pendulum on a cart. The system has a four-dimensional state space consisting of position, velocity, pole angle, and angular velocity, and the control signal is a scalar force applied to the cart. The swingup task is nonlinear, so linear algorithms tend to struggle with this task.

Implementation Details and Tricks

While the optimization part of iLQR is derived above, some implementation details were omitted. Moreover, in implementing this algorithm, I found that some "tricks" were either essential or very helpful to yield successful controllers. Read on to learn more about this.

The Initial Trajectory

Before iLQR even begins, we must have some initial trajectory of states and controls. It is natural to wonder how one concocts such an initial trajectory. Unfortunately, in the general case, there is no single "right way" to do this, unless somehow you know of a trajectory that is somewhat close to optimal. Otherwise, to the best of my knowledge, we can use some heuristics to generate a trajectory of controls and initialize the state trajectory according to the dynamics following those controls. Here's some ideas for generating the control trajectory that I played with:

  • \(u_t = 0\): This one was suggested by Li and Todorov (the inventors of iLQR). Intuitively, this might make training a little slow if the starting state is in a stable equilibrium.
  • \(u_t = \alpha\sin(\omega t), \alpha,\omega\in\mathbf{R}\): This is likely to make more sense for scalar controls, but it ensures that a nice range of controls will be attempted in the initial trajectory. I found this worked slightly better than the "zero initialization" for the swingup.
  • \(u_t\sim\mathcal{N}(0, \Sigma), \Sigma=\Sigma^\top\in\mathbf{R}^{n_u\times n_u}_{\geq 0}\succ 0\): Zero-centered random controls. This one was the best during my experiments.

Since iLQR is an iterative nonlinear optimization algorithm, initialization can definitely have an affect on the final controller. Playing with various initialization schemas would be wise.

Gradient Clipping

I cannot emphasize enough how essential this trick was. When tuning my iLQR implementation, I noticed that the controller would fail to swing up the pole because it wouldn't accelerate fast enough, which I attributed to penalizing velocities and control magnitudes too much. But when I would try reducing these penalties, iLQR would outright explode: velocities and angular velocities would shoot up, and the loss would skyrocket, leading to a completely abysmal final trajectory. After further inspection, I noticed that \(|\delta u_t|\) was blowing up. To prevent this from happening, I implemented the following adjustment

\( \delta u_t = \text{sgn}(K_t\delta x_t + d_t)\min(K_t\delta x_t + d_t, \Delta) \)

where \(\text{sgn}(x) = |x|/x\), which essentially clips the control updates to some magnitude \(\Delta\). Note that while this transformation is defined for scalar controls, an equivalent transformation for vector controls can be derived without much trouble. Upon employing this trick, these divergence issues ceased immediately. This allowed me to be much more flexible with my cost functions, and ultimately allowed me to tune my iLQR to a competent solution in a finite amount of time.

This trick does impose an additional hyperparameter, however in my experiments I found that this hyperparameter was very easy to tune. Moreover, when \(\Delta\) is "too low", the only consequence is that iLQR won't make progress as quickly, which normally isn't such a big deal.

Alternatively, line search methods or adjustable (perhaps even adaptive) \(\delta u_t\) step sizes could potential help solve this problem. However, these methods involve hyperparameters of their own, and I still believe gradient clipping could be necessary – for instance, say you update \(u_t\leftarrow\bar{u}_t + \alpha\delta u_t\) for some small step size \(\alpha\), but \(||\delta u_t||\) is enormous. The small step size would dampen the effect of this, but without forcing very small step sizes, this can't eliminate the divergence issue I was experiencing. Combining gradient clipping with line search or adaptive step sizes would likely be the most robust strategy, however gradient clipping on its own was more than sufficient enough for my purposes.

Scaling Cost Function Weights

This trick allowed me to design my cost functions with much more intuition, which proved to be very helpful. Firstly, if you distinguish \(Q_f\) from \(Q\), the influence of the penalties governed by \(Q\) to the total trajectory cost will devastatingly outweigh that of \(Q_f\) for long time horizons. It might even be wise to let \(Q = 0\) if you mostly care about penalizing state at the end of the trajectory. Otherwise, I found that scaling \(Q\) by a factor of \(1/T\) helped design \(Q\) and \(Q_f\) quite a bit.

Moreover, if the state variables are measured on different scales, this should be compensated for. Let's say you want to penalize deviations in angle twice as much as deviations in velocity. Angles are confined to \([0,2\pi]\), while velocities could be much larger, say in the range \([-v_{\max},v_{\max}]\). Therefore it doesn't suffice to assign twice the weight to deviations in angle, since a deviation of \(\pi\) radians is most likely much more significant than a deviation of \(\pi\) in velocity. Let \(r_i\) denote the range of state \(i\), which would be \(2\pi\) for angles and \(2v_{\max}\) for the velocity example. To compensate for changes of scale, let \(\tilde{Q}\) be the "intuitive" cost matrix (that is, one where you assign twice the weight to a state deviation you want to penalize twice as much), and compute \(Q\) according to

\begin{align*} Q = \begin{pmatrix}r_1^{-1} & 0 & \dots & 0\\0 & r_2^{-1} & \dots & 0\\0 & 0 & \ddots & \vdots\\0 & 0 & \dots & r_n^{-1}\\\end{pmatrix}\tilde{Q} \end{align*}

Computing Jacobians the Lazy Way

In the derivation of the iLQR optimization math, we needed to compute a bunch of Jacobians. This doesn't necessarily cause too much trouble, since given the dynamics model we can simply write out the Taylor expansions on paper and then code them up. I can think of two reasons why we might prefer a workaround for this:

  1. The state-control space is large, so deriving the Jacobians could be very time consuming and/or error-prone (or you're simply too lazy to derive the Jacobians)
  2. You don't actually have an explicit dynamics model (for instance, perhaps you have a powerful simulator instead)

Fortunately, we can automatically approximate Jacobians using the method of finite differences, which is so easy to implement that it's almost irresistible. The method essentially works by perturbing each variable to be differentiated by some small \(\epsilon>0\) in each direction and examining how that changes the output, like so:

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i}\bigg\rvert_{\mathbf{x}}\approx \frac{f(x_1,\dots, x_i+\epsilon,\dots x_n) - f(x_1,\dots, x_i - \epsilon,\dots x_n)}{2\epsilon} \end{align*}

If the function \(f\) is "smooth enough", we can approximate the Jacobian arbitrarily well by shrinking \(\epsilon\). For example, approximating the Jacobian with respect to states for a dynamics function \(f:\mathbf{R}^n\times \mathbf{R}^{n_u}\to\mathbf{R}^n\) can be achieved as follows:

def finite_differences(dynamics, x, u, eps):
  n = x.shape[0]
  jacobian = np.zeros((n, n))
  for i in range(n):
    dxp = x.copy()
    dxp[i] += eps
    x_inc = dynamics(dxp, u)
    dxm = x.copy()
    dxm[i] -= eps
    x_dec = dynamics(dxm, u)
    jacobian[:, i] = (x_inc - x_dec) / (2 * eps)
  return jacobian

Author: Harley Wiltzer

Created: 2024-10-17 Thu 14:28
